The parsed data will then be loaded as the active deck. If it is present, it will be parsed as the data portion of a YDKE URI with an optional deck name at the end of it. When the application starts, it checks for the existence of the y URL query parameter. src/application/api.ts for their documentation. The tooltip and the application instances expose an API that can be interacted with via JavaScript. map files are optional and only used for debugging.

app.js and app.css contain code for the actual deck-tool.tooltip.js and tooltip.css contain code for the tooltips.Execute npm run serve inside the cloned directory.Execute npm ci inside the cloned directory.The live version can be found on YGOPRODeck. They also control a set Infinite Impermanence, which is set rather than in the hand because of a YGOPro limitation.A tool to share and edit decks, view deck prices, and much more. Hand traps: The opponent has one each of the following cards in their hand: Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion, Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit, Effect Veiler, Droll & Lock Bird.Thunder Dragon: Opponent controls a face-up Thunder Dragon Titan and 2 Thunder Dragon Colossus, with 5 cards in grave (Thunder Dragonhawk, Dragonroar and Dragondark and 2 fodder cards), with a Thunder Dragonmatrix in hand.Simply leave (surrender) and re-enter the puzzle. Unfortunately, you cannot reset the AI's hand and board state like your own.You can also do this to regain your Normal Summon and re-use once per turn effects. You can't automatically simulate going second (however you can attack on the first turn), so after drawing a 5 card hand from Morinphen, you can just go to your End Phase, then it'll skip straight back to your turn and you draw a card for turn.If it crashes straight after loading, just re-open the program and give it a few seconds to load.You control the AI, so you can simulate "correct" gameplay from your opponent, and choose which disruptions you face. Look for the file "hands_" your deck name, and click the Morinphen card to draw a starting hand (you can do this as many times as you want, even after playing).

Then, open up Percy and go to Puzzle Mode. Go to your YGOPRO Percy's single folder and save it there. ydk (Deck file) using the button above, a. (YGOPro Percy folder, /deck) Select your deckīefore uploading your deck, you can select a board you'd like to face using the drop-down above. Upload a deck with the file dialog or by dragging and dropping the file onto the dashed region.